Monday, February 20, 2012

Our story in a nutshell

Thank you for "liking" our new adoption Face Book page and for checking out our new updated adoption blog. We have been on a CrAzY roller coaster ride for the past 5 years, we have had very high highs & the lowest of lows, but with the unconditional love of Christ, our family, friends & the strong unconditional unbreakable love Michael & I have for one another, we have survived the past 5 years and 2011, (which has been the worse BUT best year of our journey so far).  If you are a new reader to us & our story I will give a very quick run down... ARE YOU READY.... (insert the sports guys voice)

Michael & I are high school sweet hearts, we dated 10 years before we married & have been married 7 years...8 in November... 17 years with this boy & I love him more & more every day, he is my best friend, my la la la lover, my everything. We have been through it alllll, from the tragic loss of his sweet, funny & amazing mom, whom we miss every day, to the tragic death of both of his uncles, to frustrating infertility issues, our failed in-vitro fertilization, then the horrible news of my emergency hysterectomy. Michael's favorite saying is "babe if we didn't have bad luck we'd have no luck at all"  =o/

Fast forward to 2011, WOW... what a crazy year! We were the closest we had ever been to adoption last year. We were picked by our our agency & CPS out of 50 couples (CPS is where our agency places children from) to be one of  3 couples to possibly adopt a little boy, he was 18 months old & he was beautiful with the bluest eyes & sweetest  little face, his name was Trey.
I just knew he was ours... NOPE!
Then there was our sweet sweet Shay, we got a call on a Wednesday night at 7:00 that we were getting a sweet blonde hair, blue eyed little girl in 2 hours.. our case worker said we will be at your house in 2 hours... Eeeeekkksssss.... talk about rush to find girl clothes, toddler toys, books, sippy cups ect... we were so excited. Shay was a foster placement but our agency said with her mom's past she would more than likely become adoptable. We were blessed to have that sweet angel in our home & in our lives for 4 months... Well she did become adoptable, but just not to us =o(  She was placed with a family member who wanted her just as much as we did! We miss her funny laugh, her silly stories & her loving spirit.
I just knew she was ours... NOPE!
Then there was our "baby L" Awe *sigh*... I can remember holding him and loving on him like it was yesterday. We were sought out & picked by a young woman to adopt her son through a private adoption. We became very close to this girl & close to her family. We were blessed to be able to go to her sono appointments & spent time getting to know her before the big day... Well the big day came & it was amazing! I was in the delivery room & got to see sweet "baby L" be born into this world, then we got to have him in our own private room with us to start our bonding as a new little family... that lasted for 34 hours... his mom changed her mind as she was being discharged from the hospital.
I just knew he was ours... NOPE!

I have to remember & remind myself everyday that NOPE doesn't mean NO... It just means Not right Now, something bigger & better than we can ever imagine is on it's way. So for that I am thankful. 

 Sweet Shay

 "Baby L"
 We will always hold a special place in our hearts for each of these sweet precious angels. 
May God be with each of them every second of every day.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blaa =o/

I need to be a better blogger!! I cant use the excuse that I don't have time... because people with babies, jobs & hubby's take time out to update & post on there blogs. Honestly I sometimes think no one cares what I have to say =o(   Then I think I'm really boring and I don't have much going on... So I guess for now I might just make this a photo blog.... I might just post pictures... until something fabulous happens... then I'll talk about that!
I would love to camp here with friends & family!!

Friday, February 3, 2012


Really missing these babies today!! I pray for you both every day. I pray that you both are getting all the love that you deserve. I pray that God has his angels watching over you. I pray a hedge of protection over you. I pray that you will remember how much we loved you both! I pray!!!