Monday, April 9, 2012

Our 1st Baby

Today with a heavy heart I am writing about our first baby... Our sweet Dakota.  He was actually my dear mother in laws pup, she had him for 10 months before passing away. I can remember the day Michael & I went with Cindy to pick him up from the breeder. It was in February just days away from valentines day, it was freezing out side and since he was less than a pound Michael put him in the inner pocket of his coat to keep him warm. Dakota was so much more than a dog, he was a part of Cindy (my MIL) he was that last thing that Michael had to hang on to from his mom. Dakota comforted us through some very hard and difficult times; he was always a sweet loving puppy that wanted nothing more than to cuddle in your lap.       He was and always be our 1st baby.

A sweet friend told me that she planted a rose bush when her dog baby passed away & that it helped her feel like she was still taking care of him. I thought that was a perfect way to honor our Boo, so Michael & I went out and got a yellow rose bush & planted it for Dakota. We picked yellow because that was his moms favorite color of roses, what a better way to honor both Dakota & Cindy. The roses we picked were called "walking on sunshine" and it warmed my heart knowing that Cindy & Dakota were reunited today walking together on the sunshine.

Dakota you will never be forgotten, you have left precious paw prints on our hearts & we can't wait to be with you again up in the big ol' sky just this side of Rainbow Bridge. We Love you Dakota xoxo

***You can also check out my sister in law's sweet post about Dakota over at The Howell's.

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